New Perspective in the Use of Power Index Formula for Level Energies


  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida
  • S. Sharma Department of Physics, Yobe State University, P.M.B. 1144, Damaturu, Nigeria

Ключевые слова:

Power Index Formula, g-, β- and γ-bands, Even-Even Nuclei, IBM-1, Level Energies.


The power index formula is an alternative method in the form of single term energy expression i.e.  to calculate the energy spectrum of even-even nuclei. In the earlier studies the validity of power index formula for g-, β- and γ-bands in various mass regions of nuclear chart were discussed well. In this paper, we illustrate the new perspective in the use of power index formula for g-, β- and γ-bands of even Z, even N nuclei i.e. sub-shell change in semi magic nuclei, the validity of formula for β-band energies and kinetic moment of inertia (kinetic MoI) of γ-band for some 142-148Ba, 144-152Ce and 146-156Nd nuclei. We also compared the energy values calculated by power index formula with the experimental values and Interacting Boson Model-1(IBM-1) values.






Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Теория

Как цитировать

New Perspective in the Use of Power Index Formula for Level Energies. (2024). Письма в ЭЧАЯ, 20(4).