Effect of the acceleration of the Rindler spacetime On the statistical properties of the Klein-Gordon oscillator in one dimension
In this paper, we study the relativistic spin-zero bosons influenced by the Klein-Gordon oscillator
in Rindler space-time. The obtained form of the energy level of the oscillator is used to find the
thermodynamic properties through the partition function. This partition function is terminated by
using the method based on the zeta function via the Cahin-Mellin transformation. Through this
function, all thermodynamics properties, such as the free energy, the total energy, the entropy, and
the specific heat, have been determined and the influence of the acceleration of our spacetime has
been treated.
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Effect of the acceleration of the Rindler spacetime On the statistical properties of the Klein-Gordon oscillator in one dimension. (2024). Письма в ЭЧАЯ, 20(2). https://pepan.jinr.ru/index.php/PepanLetters/article/view/75